International Programmers Day

International Programmers Day is celebrated annually on the 256th day of the year—typically September 13, and September 12 in leap years. This date is chosen because 256, the highest power of two under 365, represents the number of distinct values in a byte, a fundamental concept in computer science.

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This day recognizes the vital contributions, creativity, and problem-solving skills of programmers across various industries. To celebrate, consider learning more about programming, attending or hosting a job fair, developing coding skills, or paying tribute to the programmers who shape our digital world.

Software Development

*FUN FACT: The number 256 is very meaningful to programmers. A byte is a unit of data containing eight binary digits (or bits). A byte can represent 256 distinct values from 0 to 255. Also, 256 equals 28, and is the highest power of two that is less than 365 (the number of days in a year).


Source: SNHU
Source: Tedx Talks