Blood Drive – 12/1/2022!!!
Holiday Toy Drive
Please drop your donation off at the front lobby. Toy-Drive-Business-Flyer-2022Download
The Pulse Newsletter – Fall 2022
LinkedIn Event Reminder – 11/17 @4PM
Developing your network on LinkedIn Event – 11/17 @ 4PM.
Holiday Food Drive
Food-Drive-2022-Flyer-BusinessDownload Please drop off your donation at the Front Lobby.
Halloween Party
The Beacon Education Foundation Scholarship
Applications are currently being accepted for December 31st 2022. Applicants must be current ECPI University or Advanced Technology Institute students demonstrating financial need and academic…
Campus Painting…
The campus will begin repainting a majority of the campus starting on September 23rd and will continue overnights through October 2nd. The University has taken…